Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 6. Year 2.

Today was Good Friday. If you asked me 2 hours ago if it was a 'good' Friday, I would have said no. But by the light of my cell phone, which I am typing on (so please forgive the horrible typeing...which by the way is teaching me 4 things: 1. I'm getting old 2. My fingers are too fat for this touch screen, 3. I really am no good at using the swype function, and 4. my eyes do not like this small of a screen for long periods...) I think I would now have to say 'Yes. It was a good Friday indeed.' I could reflect on all the bad things that happened today... Like the fact that Vicki had another really rough day. She had alot of frustration and no words to explain how she was feeling. But I can, and I must admit... I need to do this on my computer... So I will post this now and type the rest of my blog on the computer and attach it tomorrow when I have an internet connection.... So until tomorrow... to be continued...

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