Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 18. Year 2.

So I'm calling tonight's post... 'a whole lot of random thoughts.'  And I was thinking, you know how people say they can see the wheels turning when you are thinking of something?... I am picturing Fluffy the hamster (have any of you read the Fluffy early reader series? Ally and I read 'Fluffy meets the tooth fairy tonight') running in a little cage in my brain and getting dizzy from the wheel -turning one way for a second, then the opposite way, then back again. My husband gets so frustrated with me because I can never seem to finish a sentence, I'm already onto a new thought. Always thinking, that's me. :) So let me tell you some things I am thinking about.

1. I really like the new additions of Jerome, Libby, and Vlad (and Snot, who we haven't seen since he burrowed under the sand late Saturday night) to our salt water aquarium. Bob and Larry seem to be indifferent to them. These new little hermit crabs are speedy little creatures. They never stop moving. They start going one way, then turn around and go the opposite way. I think they are kindred spirits of mine. Little balls of stress and energy (not the good kind of energy where I could run a marathon, the bad kind of energy when you know you drink too much coffee!!) 

2. Although I don't think you can actually classify my blog as having any kind of writing style or any kind of coherence at all, I just want you to know that I really do proof my post before I publish it. But somewhere between 'preview' and 'publish' whole paragraphs, parts of sentences and random words get lost. I think they end up in the land of lost socks. I don't usually read my posts after I publish them, but I did the other day and thought, what the heck? So, sorry!!!

3. As I sat down to type, I happened to look over at my husband's little basket he uses for emptying his pockets and stuff and noticed a colorful puzzle piece lanyard. He had been at a conference the past few days and their lanyards were autism puzzle pieces. Normally, I don't get all that excited about publicizing 'autism awareness' I guess because I am all too aware and I feel odd wearing stuff that screams autism, if Vicki is with me, you will know, I don't need to wear it on my shirt... Anyway, for some reason this lanyard made me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy.

4. I really, really love checking things off my to-do list.

5. I don't know what I would do without the drama and excitement of my family. Even though all I ever want is a few minutes of quiet, I think I thrive on being super stressed and frantic. If there weren't a zillion things going on at one time, I don't think I would know what to do with myself. Maybe I would organize tax stuff for next year. HA! I am an only child and therefore lived a fairly quiet, calm childhood. So all of this and by 'this' I mean my life with 3 kids, 1 husband, 5 hermit crabs, 1 slug (seriously, a slug - I already said my husband!) Wow... Sometimes I am so on I just want to play the   ba-da-bing in the background of my hilarity. (Yes, I think I just made up a new word, if it is already a word, I really like it and will continue to use it. )

6. I think I am in a good mood tonight, which is odd. Some yucky things happened today. But so many good things happened today too. Every once in a while it is just nice to smile, take stock of everything you have to be thankful for, and then just be happy with the craziness and the chaos and the struggles... because in the end, it must make us stronger. I feel a Kelly Clarkson song coming on...

And, finally, I think I am so giddy because I had a great conversation with Vicki at bedtime. Here it is, best as I can remember it, I may have omitted or changed the order a bit, unlike Vicki... my memory is not so good! :

Me: How are you Vicki?
Vicki: I am fine.
Me: Are you happy or sad?
Vicki: Happy.
Me: Show me a happy face.
Vicki. :)
Me: What did you do today?
Vicki:  Joey. school. home. take a shower. medicine. breakfast. Capri sun. granola bar. school. I pledge allegiance to the flag. Of the United States of America. And to the republic. For which it stands. One nation. Under God. Indivisible. With liberty and justice for all. Magazine. Pink Computer. Starfall. (a reading web site). Homework. Time for P.E.
Me: What did you do in P.E.?
Vicki: Balls. Red Ball. Oranges Ball. Yellow Ball. Green Balls. Blue  Balls (silent snicker from mommy... what the heck? How old am I? I don't think I am a 13 year old boy!). Purple Ball. One. One Ball Red. 2 Two Ball Oranges. 3  Free Balls Yellow. 4. Four balls Green. 5. Five balls Blue. 6. Six balls Purple. Frow (throw) ball red. Frow ball oranges. Frow ball yellow. Frow ball green. Frow ball blue. Frow ball purple. Lunch. Cheese sticks. Dip. Strawberries. Apple. Fruit. Cookies.
Me: How many cookies did you eat?
Vicki: One. One cookie.
Starburst. Packback (backpack). Home. (girl's name that worked with her today). Calendar. Homework. Reading. Potty. Cars. Dance Class. Pink Dress (they got their costumes for recital tonight!). Home. Exercise. Dinner. Soup. Bread. Butter. Crackers, 5. Water/ice. Brownie, chocolate chip. (chocolate chip cookie bar). Medicine. Strawberry Milk. Clean up. Bed.

And I hang onto every word she says. I love talking to my daughter. Oh yeah. It's all worth it. A million times over. xoxo

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