Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 1.

Today was good. It started off with Vicki still having her clothes and diaper on when I got her up this am for school. It's always better when I don't have to wash the sheets first thing in the morning. :) And when I did her hair this am, I added an autism puzzle piece ribbon to tie around her ponytail. And she didn't seem to mind, which was wonderful. If it's different, it's usually not good.  (It definately helped that Ally was bopping her ponytail with her autism puzzle piece ribbon tied around it up and down the hallway and kept saying, 'look, me and Vicki match.' ) I got a call from Vicki's teacher while she was at school. (I cringe when I see the school number and id on the phone, panic always bubbling right beneath the surface.) So, when it's a good call, the teacher prefaces it with, 'nothing's wrong.. just wanted to share something good'. I love those kinds of calls! Vicki was working on the computer and said, "I can't find it."  That may not sound call worthy to a lot of people, but to Vicki's teacher and myself, it was very significant. It's the first time she's ever said those words together, and she said it appropriately. Woo hoo! Vicki even had a good day at her adaptive dance class. She's still been holding her ears something fierce, but she did participate in some of the activities and even did her dance routine a few times with a little help from mommy and her awesome dance teacher. I love making a fool out of myself to help Vicki be comfortable. :)
She must have also known to light it up blue today, because she came home from a school with a blue tongue from her 'lollipop, flavor, blueberry' :)  Vicki got the 'what's new, cupcake?' cookbook from the school bookfair last night, so in her effort to get her point across to me tonight, she slaps the cookbook down on the kitchen counter and says, 'easter bunny rabbit egg cupcakes, YES!!!' So, guess what... we made some yummy easter bunny rabbit egg cupcakes. A fun way to end a good day and a long week. Good thing Vicki can't read every single ingredient... we kind of improvised a bit. But they turned out super cute. She is very ready for the easter bunny... you know how Easter changes from year to year, sometimes it's at the end of March, this year it's pretty late. She's been saying 'white easter bunny' for weeks now.. I think her internal clock must have alarmed for Easter already. :) Time to get the big box of plastic eggs out... yippi. :)
So, everything was great today, but then when she went to bed, she got emotional. I wish I knew what tips the scales for her or sets off something in her mind. She's been very indecisive as of late. Yes. Mommy. No. Mommy. Mommy go. Mommy stay. No mommy. She pushes me to leave, then grabs my arm to stay. I wish I knew what she wanted. I think she wishes she knew too. She cried a bit tonight. I could hear her from downstairs. But she didn't want me to comfort her. When I would go in her room she would yell. I think she finally fell asleep. I'm ready too..


  1. Oh boo. I didn't quite make the time in for April 1. Thwarted by much needed silly movie... the one with Tracy Morgan and Bruce Willis as cops... And it took way too long tonight to figure out this technology stuff... i thought it would be easier than it was to start a blog. I'm sure it is. I just don't get along with electronics. :)

  2. Beautiful, Rose! You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers, and I miss you all so much! <3
