Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 20. Year 5.

This one is going to be fairly quick.... but I really wanted to say thank you first. Thank you all so much for reading and caring and loving and reaching out to me. It means the world to me. One of the hardest things, I think, for a person to do, is to admit when they need help and when they are just defeated. No one can do it all alone. And I am humbled by the outpouring of love and encouragement that I have received. I plan to do a happy blog sometime soon... but today isn't quite the day for it.

Sometimes I feel like my life could be one of those slapstick comedies. Yesterday was one of those days. I would be laughing myself if I were watching it on TV and it wasn't playing out in my life. But I am cracking a smile right now as I go to type, so that's progress. ;)

So.... Ally FINALLY got over her stomach virus. Thank goodness!! It was horrible. It lasted from Sunday through Friday night for her of last week. How do I know how horrible it was? Yep. :( Because, of course, I got sick Thursday evening and am currently on day 6 of it. I am hopeful that I will be over it soon. It's been very difficult. So... comes the slapstick comedy:

Picture this:

Ally is excited to go back to school after being off for spring break and then the entire week of her birthday because she was sick. She had gotten her ears pierced for her birthday and was super excited to see her friends again. Joe, thankfully, although he still had a cough, went off to school without incident. Daddy was home because we had a meeting to attend for Vicki's BIP and ESY (behavioral intervention plan and extended school year) at school. He was waiting at home for a drywall repair man to come and fix our ceiling from our skylight leak. Mommy, who at this time was working on day 5 of her stomach virus, was really not feeling up for much of anything but got the girls ready for school.

Everything was going as smoothly as it could until we got to school for Vicki. Remember the other day, when I told you how difficult each and every transition is for Vicki? Well yesterday it was a difficult transition from the red van into her school. It was so difficult that after 15 minutes of trying to get her to get out of the van and walk into school, I had to just leave and take her with me. That has not happened this year at all. I've always been able to get her out of the van, give or take 10 minutes. Well, Ally had missed a week of school and I really didn't want her to be late. So, I kept Vicki in the van and we dropped Ally off at school in the car rider line (so Vicki just had to sit it the van). Ally got to school on time. Check. Phew. Now what to do with Vicki?

I called my husband, and because he just so happened to be home for our meeting which started at 10, I asked for his advice. Because no matter what happens, I already kind of shot myself in the foot by leaving Vicki's school without her getting out of the van. I knew he could get her out of the van, but didn't want to do that. Because he's not available every morning, and I didn't want to start something.... And it only takes one time for Vicki. Only once, and it becomes her new norm. So I went back to Vicki's school. I called the school and told them what was going on. I sat and waiting. I have a lot of strategies I try to use to get her to move, I can describe them some other time. But nothing. She just sat. And after waiting there for another 30 minutes, remember.... I still have a stomach virus.... yep. I had to go to the bathroom. Like, now. So, again, didn't want to do it, but had to.... I got back in the van and went home so I could use the bathroom. Sigh.

And the end of our story... by this time the drywall guy had come and Daddy was ready to go to the meeting. I used the bathroom. So, we just went over to the school altogether. After a few minutes, Daddy got her out. I admitted defeat. Now, I am not able to get her out the way he does, or I would have.... No one else can. Anyway.... we made it on time for our meeting. Vicki walked into school. I sat in the meeting for 2 and a half hours praying I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. And there you have it. Come on, it's so sad, that it's kind of funny.... ;)

I have to go right now and get Vicki ready for school this morning. The reason I wanted to write this is because if you get a chance to read this now, can you say a little prayer for Vicki and for me? Give us a little more strength.... I am not sure what that transition will look like this morning and I am scared. Thank you all so much for giving me somewhere to talk about things. I love you. xoxo

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