Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 19. Year 4.

It has been a very long and stressful week this past week and I've been too overwhelmed to write.I'm sorry. I've started a few posts, but haven't had enough emotional strength to finish them.I will work at them this week.  But tonight I really wanted to write. So here goes my Mother's Day post.

I am a sucker for handmade cards and coupon books, hand picked posies from outside, and breakfast in bed made by my sweeties. I savor it all. And I am one lucky Momma for getting it all today. This morning Joey and Ally brought me breakfast in bed (once I promised to go back to bed after I searched through garbage bags with gloves on because Ally had thought I had thrown away her Mother's Day gift to me when I emptied some stuff out of our van the other day.) Needless to say I didn't find it in the garbage. But by 8 am I had relived the last week of our garbage... oh so many memories... AND got the van cleaned out and even swept it out. So that's good. After all that, I found the bag sitting on the stairs. ;) Back to my day... my strawberry smoothie was super yummy. I got to play in Ally's garden with her and plant some flowers then she picked me some pretty pink and purple flowers and put them in a vase for me. And the ring holder that I looked for hours for... Ally had spent so much time picking it out for me and wrapping it up. And she had a homemade beaded bracelet she made for me draped over it. She explained the bracelet's meaning to me in her card. On the bracelet she had put an autism awareness charm on it to symbolize Vicki, emerald colored beads to symbolize Joey (his birthday is in May) and 'diamonds' on it to symbolize Ally (her birthday is in April). Joe and I bonded over some music. And he was a sweetheart and did some laundry for me. Daddy took us to the pet store and I got to pick out 3 new fish for our saltwater tank. Seriously, the BEST present ever! We named them Alex, Marty, and Melman. Oh, and we got a huge snail that we named Gloria. We went for a hike at a local Ford and then went out for a yummy dinner. I felt so pampered and so blessed to be able to celebrate today with my 3 babies who gave me the absolute best career in the world!

And let me tell you about Vicki. She made me a beautiful flower bouquet out of colored paper and pipe cleaners that she brought home from school. And the best part was that she colored fingernails on her hand-printed flowers. Red sparkles! Vicki had a so-so kind of day. It started out happy. She usually helps me make my smoothie in the am, but this morning I drank it before she got up. So she helped me make my coffee and a snack of oatmeal with blueberries and almond butter in it. :)  Vicki had also made a flower pot Mother's Day dessert for me (as did Ally. We have lots of yummy dessert here!) She loved putting gummy worms in the dirt. :)  Then we all sat down and watched the new Tinkerbell movie. She really liked it. After the movie, she started crying. And she had a really difficult couple of hours. Like I said in an earlier post, she's been talking a lot about her scar on her hand from a few years ago. She was very preoccupied with it this afternoon and was crying a lot and holding her hand. Finally I rubbed some scar cream on it and she let me massage and kiss her hand a little. It seemed to help some. She really enjoyed the hike and even though she had some behavioral difficulties getting into the restaurant tonight, she had a great time at dinner and loved her spaghetti and meatballs. And the restaurant gave Moms a free dessert tonight. Vicki was happy to take turns with Joey and Ally and Daddy and share my brownie and cookies and cream ice cream!

 I loved all of today. I will keep my memories and treasures near to my heart.

But let me tell you what I will remember most about today from Vicki.  I will remember how beautiful Vicki sounded when she said her prayers this morning. She recited the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be and the Serenity Prayer. Her voice was so crisp and clear. She is my angel here on Earth.

I will remember what she said last night to me too, as we were discussing today's visual schedule. It was going to read, Mom. Take a shower. (Aide's Name). Medicine. Old Medicine. Breakfast. Working.... and so on. But as soon as I started telling her the schedule she looked up at me and said, "No. No (aide's name). Red pen. X. Red pen. Calendar. X. (I write Vicki's schedule on my wall calendar in red and when someone or something is cancelled, I put an X through it.). She kept repeating... 'No. Red pen. X. And then she looked at me and smiled and said, 'Mother's Day.' Mommy Day. Mommy.

That is literally one of the BEST things she has ever said to me. I know that she wanted to be with me on Mother's Day. Without a doubt. Of course, it could just be a way to get out of working, but that's ok with me too, as long as I am the reason. ;) So we cancelled her aide and just enjoyed the day together.

And that's just it with Vicki. Vicki reminds me everyday, not just on Mother's Day, that it's the moments that matter. That moment she said she wanted to X out the aide because it was Mother's Day and she wanted to spend it with me. She may not have said those words. But I know that's what she meant.  The little moments. Life is made up of little moments. And we need to celebrate them. Daily.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful mothers out there. I hope you were celebrated today. And that you had a chance to cherish your own little moments. xoxo

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