Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 17. Year 4.

Have you ever have a phrase or a word that your child would say... that you just knew you had to correct, but it was so darn cute that you let it go a little too long? I remember specific words that my kids would mispronounce, like Ally used to say 'psghetti, and cimininum', Then there were their go to phrases that just sounded so adorable, I can still hear their little voices saying them... When Vicki was little Joe used to get right up beside her and say, 'hi baby girl'. Now the words 'hi baby girl' don't sound all that impressive or memorable in type, but when I recall his cute little squeaky voice saying 'hi baby girl hi baby girl' over and over, it still puts a smile on my face.

Vicki has lots of words and phrases like that. And with Vicki, it might not be that she is mispronouncing the words, but that she finds certain words that make sense to her and honestly, the context is pretty close. I know the meaning she is trying to convey with them. I love hearing what she comes up with. And although I know some of the words and phrases become overused, and she verbally stims off of them, I just can't make myself correct her (for a while at least).

So for this post, I am just going to give you some of those phrases, pardon me if this post doesn't make much sense. It's one of those written brain lists for me. :)

When Vicki was younger, if she wanted to go for a ride in the car, she would always say, 'wheels'
Now she says, 'car, red van'.
Sometimes she will hear a word or phrase on a TV commercial... and use it in the right context. I specifically remember once when she was eating a bowl of soup, she said, 'Mmm. Mmm Good.'
When she gets a scratch or needs a band aide, Vicki will say 'boo-boo band aide'. And if she thinks it needs bacitracin or neosporin  she will say 'sour cream band aide'.
She's had many words for her anger over the years too... For some reason, when she used to get mad she would say, 'Granola.' or 'Strawberry Shortcake'. At one point she would say, 'stomp my feet.' I liked that one.
What spurred this thought process is that currently she is on a kick... when she is denied access to something, if I tell her no, she looks at the item and in a kind of irritated voice, she says 'Goodbye .... (item)'. Like yesterday, she kept wanting to steal my salad, and I told her she had to wait. She then says, 'Goodbye salad. Good bye.'

I'm going to tie her fantastic memory into this too... Let me blow you away with this one. Yesterday was the day (the first Saturday in May) that a year ago Ally made her First Holy Communion. Vicki remembered this. And she said, 'car. red van. communion.' I didn't even realize that she remembered the word communion! And, to even blow your mind more, Vicki was getting her nails done yesterday and right now she has rainbow colors on her toes from the beach. She said, 'pink toes. communion. pink toes.' I have no doubt in my mind that she had pink nail polish on her toes last year for Ally's communion. When we explained that we would be doing something different yesterday, she looked at her toes and said, 'Goodbye communion toes. Goodbye. Goodbye pink toes.' And we moved on. :)

Vicki always talks about herself in the 3rd person. So if she is asking for something, like the salad, she will say, 'Vicki salad.'. She does this for everything. It's very difficult to teach her pronouns. And honestly, I love how she talks.

I will leave you with one final story today. It might be a little bit of an over share, but it's funny. Vicki doesn't go to the bathroom by herself. Someone is always in there with her. And a lot of the times it's me. Sometimes we are in the bathroom for quite a while. And you know when you are denied access to something, it's inevitable that you have to have it? If Vicki doesn't have to go to the bathroom she will say, 'Vicki. No potty.No potty.'. After she stands up, I am already in the bathroom and have to pee, so I sit down to go. Apparently, one time, I had to do #2. And Vicki remembers that. So every time I go to sit down, Vicki she yells... 'Mommy. No poopy! No poopy!' Every time I sit down. I can hear my husband walk by the bathroom door and laugh and laugh. Yep, we've even been in the handicapped stalls in public bathrooms together, she pees, then I pee. And everyone else in the room hears, 'Mommy. No poopy! No poopy!' I walk out of the stall and I can see the smiles tug on the corners of peoples mouths. :)  I am glad that we can put a smile on someone's face. I hope these stories put a smile on yours. Goodbye blog post. Goodbye! xo

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