Saturday, July 23, 2011

Plus 5.

Well, hi!!! :)  It's been a while. Quite a while. I really meant to update at least a few times a month. And I just looked at the date of my last post. Yikes. It seems like that's me as of late. I am either all or nothing. I am all in, or I don't do it at all. Let me give you some examples: well, for starters, blogging. I can't believe I actually did it everyday in April. I was all in. And then, bam. 7 weeks since my last post. Another example: cleaning. It's either obsessively clean and I want the pillows just so and the cute little lines in the carpet so I vacuum everyday (you know, the lines the sweeper makes as you sweep. ) And then I don't want any footprints in it. I'm sure I've told the story before of how the kids and my husband like to get on my last OCD nerve by dancing around and running back and forth over my newly lined, swept carpet. And to make it worse, one pant leg will be pushed up and cuffed and the other will not. So the kids are all lopsided and making lots of carpet footprints. Arrggghhhhh.... Yes, I'm sure I have a problem. :) Well I either have lots of problems, or no problems at all. Oh, wait, I never finished my thought... I was on it's either clean or...... it's not. And I don't vacuum for a week.  I just look at the piles of clothes stacking up in my room and mail and papers stacking up on my desk, and then I can't find something and a pile topples over. So I either walk away or add something else randomly to the pile.   What else am I all or nothing with?  Oh so many things, exercising, dieting, washing socks. :P The list goes on.

I wonder where Vicki gets some of her tendencies from???  Let me tell you something she is either all or nothing with. The whole bedtime thing. (As a side note... I was actually planning on writing an update tonight. Even though I haven't written in a while, I've had a lot on my mind. And I like writing about it. So, again, with the all or nothing mentality... I'll probably write for a few days in a row.) Anyway, I was going to sit down and finish my story about what happened with Vicki's room. And then it's as if Vicki had this sense that she needed to give me something to write about.  I was going to write that things have been going very well at bedtime. I was almost feeling like bedtime was my relaxing time again. My husband and I were starting to whittle our way through DVR'd shows and movies. We're all caught up with True Blood, Glee, Fringe, Bones. And we even watched a few movies. Not all in one night, but over the course of the last 7 weeks. We'd been keeping Vic's monitor on at night to watch her. Maybe all of this summer fun and sun has had her tired. And she recently rediscovered her favorite doggie stuffed animal and she would snuggle with him at night. I was thinking, hmmm... maybe we disrupted whatever routine she had gotten herself into at bedtime by sleeping in the living room for a week while Daddy put her new floor in her bedroom. Maybe that was enough of a time delay, and such a different setting at night that she forgot that she was smearing. Maybe she just really loved her new floor. After we put the new flooring in, I also spray painted her bed frame. It went from a dark wood color to a dusty pink. Very girly. And I put some princess wall stick ups on it. She loved it. And besides looking cute in her room, it now made looking for smelly stuff easier on her bed frame. Who knows why she hadn't smeared since we put her back in her room. I was just thankful that I wasn't going through can after can of resolve carpet cleaner anymore and my laundry detergent use decreased a little bit. And I was getting an hour or two more sleep a night. I get lulled into this false sense of comfort. And tonight both my husband and I were working in the office and hadn't turned the monitor on yet. And Vicki had gone to the bathroom right before bed, so that always makes me feel a bit more secure. But not tonight. My husband just stopped what he was doing and when I asked him what was wrong, he said his nose alarm went off. And, from experience, I've learned not to question his nose alarm. One thing I have to say is that it is definitely much easier to clean up a hardwood floor than it is a carpet. That makes clean up easier, but it doesn't solve the problem. And I still had to strip the bed and do the wash, clean the floor, clean up Vicki, clean under her nails. And use the Lysol. I really, really hope this is not the first night of lots of nights to come again. Back on high alert. And guess what. It's still hard. She was laughing again tonight. The laughter kills me. I usually love Vicki's laugh. But not tonight. Not when it's associated with this. Her laughter, in this specific scenario, makes me so sad. And confused. And angry. And guilty. And a whole lot of other emotions, all crashing down on me like waves in the ocean. Fast and furious. And then it's gone.

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